Modelling greenhouse gas emissions from European conventional and organic dairy farms

Abstract Agriculture is an important contributor to global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), in particular for methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O). Emissions from farms with a stock of ruminant animals are particularly high due to CH 4 emissions from enteric fermentation and manure handling, and due to the intensive nitrogen (N) cycle on such farms leading to direct and indirect N 2 O emissions. The whole-farm model, FarmGHG, was designed to quantify the flows of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) on dairy farms. The aim of the model was to allow quantification of effects of management practices and mitigation options on GHG emissions. The model provides assessments of emissions from both the production unit and the pre-chains. However, the model does not quantify changes in soil C storage. Model dairy farms were defined within five European agro-ecological zones for both organic and conventional systems. The model farms were all defined to have the same utilised agricultural area (50 ha). Cows on conventional and organic model farms were defined to achieve the same milk yield, so the basic difference between conventional and organic farms was expressed in the livestock density. The organic farms were defined to be 100% self-sufficient with respect to feed. The conventional farms, on the other hand, import concentrates as supplementary feed and their livestock density was defined to be 75% higher than the organic farm density. Regional differences between farms were expressed in the milk yield, the crop rotations, and the cow housing system and manure management method most common to each region. The model results showed that the emissions at farm level could be related to either the farm N surplus or the farm N efficiency. The farm N surplus appeared to be a good proxy for GHG emissions per unit of land area. The GHG emissions increased from 3.0 Mg CO 2 -eq ha −1  year −1 at a N surplus of 56 kg N ha −1  year −1 to 15.9 Mg CO 2 -eq ha −1  year −1 at a N surplus of 319 kg N ha −1  year −1 . The farm N surplus can relatively easily be determined on practical farms from the farm records of imports and exports and the composition of the crop rotation. The GHG emissions per product unit (milk or metabolic energy) were quite closely related to the farm N efficiency, and a doubling of the N efficiency from 12.5 to 25% reduced the emissions per product unit by ca. 50%. The farm N efficiency may therefore be used as a proxy for comparing the efficiencies of farms with respect to supplying products with a low GHG emission.

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