Comparable efficacy and safety profiles of once-per-cycle pegfilgrastim and daily injection filgrastim in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: a multicenter dose-finding study in women with breast cancer.

BACKGROUND Neutropenia is common in patients receiving myelotoxic chemotherapy. Pegfilgrastim, a sustained-duration filgrastim is a once-per-cycle therapy for prophylactic neutrophil support. PATIENTS AND METHODS Women, treated with four cycles of doxorubicin/docetaxel chemotherapy every 21 days, received pegfilgrastim or filgrastim 24 h after chemotherapy as a single subcutaneous injection per chemotherapy cycle (pegfilgrastim 30, 60 or 100 microg/kg) or daily subcutaneous injections (filgrastim 5 microg/kg/day). Safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics were analyzed. RESULTS The incidence of grade 4 neutropenia in cycle 1 was 95, 90 and 74%, in patients who received pegfilgrastim 30, 60 and 100 microg/kg, respectively, and 76% in patients who received filgrastim. Mean duration of grade 4 neutropenia in cycle 1 was 2.7,2 and 1.3 days for doses of pegfilgrastim, and 1.6 days for filgrastim. The pharmacokinetics of pegfilgrastim were non-linear and dependent on both dose and neutrophil count. Pegfilgrastim serum concentration was sustained until the neutrophil nadir occurred then declined rapidly as neutrophils started to recover, consistent with a self-regulating neutrophil-mediated clearance mechanism. The safety profiles of pegfilgrastim and filgrastim were similar. CONCLUSIONS A single subcutaneous injection of pegfilgrastim 100 microg/kg provided neutrophil support and a safety profile comparable to daily subcutaneous injections of filgrastim during multiple chemotherapy cycles.