The PGSolver Collection of Parity Game Solvers Version 3

[1]  Robert E. Tarjan,et al.  Depth-First Search and Linear Graph Algorithms , 1972, SIAM J. Comput..

[2]  Yuri Gurevich,et al.  Trees, automata, and games , 1982, STOC '82.

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[5]  A. Prasad Sistla,et al.  On Model-Checking for Fragments of µ-Calculus , 1993, CAV.

[6]  Colin Stirling,et al.  Lokal Model Checking Games , 1995, CONCUR.

[7]  A. Puri Theory of hybrid systems and discrete event systems , 1996 .

[8]  Wieslaw Zielonka,et al.  Infinite Games on Finitely Coloured Graphs with Applications to Automata on Infinite Trees , 1998, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[9]  Marcin Jurdziński,et al.  Deciding the Winner in Parity Games is in UP \cap co-Up , 1998, Inf. Process. Lett..

[10]  Perdita Stevens,et al.  Practical Model-Checking Using Games , 1998, TACAS.

[11]  Dominik Schmitz,et al.  Implementation of a Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Finite-State Parity Games , 2000, CIAA.

[12]  Marcin Jurdzinski,et al.  A Discrete Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Solving Parity Games , 2000, CAV.

[13]  Marcin Jurdzinski,et al.  Small Progress Measures for Solving Parity Games , 2000, STACS.

[14]  Thomas Wilke,et al.  Automata Logics, and Infinite Games , 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

[15]  Igor Walukiewicz,et al.  Games for synthesis of controllers with partial observation , 2003, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[16]  Henrik Björklund,et al.  A Discrete Subexponential Algorithm for Parity Games , 2003, STACS.

[17]  Henrik Björklund,et al.  A combinatorial strongly subexponential strategy improvement algorithm for mean payoff games , 2007, Discret. Appl. Math..

[18]  Nir Piterman,et al.  From Nondeterministic Buchi and Streett Automata to Deterministic Parity Automata , 2006, 21st Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'06).

[19]  Uri Zwick,et al.  A deterministic subexponential algorithm for solving parity games , 2006, SODA '06.

[20]  Sven Schewe Solving Parity Games in Big Steps , 2007, FSTTCS.

[21]  Sven Schewe,et al.  An Optimal Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Solving Parity and Payoff Games , 2008, CSL.

[22]  Thomas Wilke,et al.  Complementation, Disambiguation, and Determinization of Büchi Automata Unified , 2008, ICALP.

[23]  Keijo Heljanko,et al.  Solving parity games by a reduction to SAT , 2012, Journal of computer and system sciences (Print).