Automated design for engineering student examinations using Matlab/Octave scripts and the Auto Multiple Choice package

This paper presents some results from the application of examination papers for engineering courses developed through Matlab/Octave scripts and the AMC (Auto Multiple Choice) package. A large set of exam versions is generated; each student receives a particular version with specific numerical data, and even specific questions. Exams are composed through LaTeX text processing instructions. As this process can be very tedious, Matlab/Octave scripts are included so as to automate the generation of input data and the corresponding answers for all versions. AMC then scans all returned exams, computes the scores and sends the marked exams back to the students through e-mail. Benefits arising from this methodology are as follows: (i) the students receive fast, detailed feedback from which they can self-evaluate their own learning process, and (ii) executing statistical analyses regarding the students' overall performance with respect to a particular question or topic is straightforward.