콘크리트 구조물의 바탕체 환경조건에 따른 자착형 방수시트의 환경 성능지표 연구

A variety of problems of defect is caused as verification of property was not carried out according to environmental condition. Therefore, environmental condition of Concrete Structures is analyzed and low temperature environment, humid environment and structure motion environment were drawn from selected subsection of environmental condition with AHP method. The butyl rubber sheet case showed decreasing performance of bondability while in experiments with drawn assessment of environmental condition, rubberized asphalt and asphalt Self-adhesion waterproofing sheet cases showed a regular bondability in humid environment and structure motion environment. In contrast, the butyl rubber sheet showed bondability up to -15℃ in low temperature environment and rubberized asphalt and asphalt Self-adhesion waterproofing sheet showed bondability up to -1℃, -15℃