Resilient DataDelivery inDelay BoundedOverlay Multicast
Overlay multicast hasbeenproposed asan severe performance degradation mayhappeninoverlay alternative schemetoprovide one-to-many ormany-to-manymulticast. datadelivery onInternet. However, sincedatadelivery is Toachieve highdatadelivery ratio, several schemes have entirely dependent onreplications oneachgroup member, ifone beenrecently proposed. First ofall, someschemes describe membernodefails, noneofitschildren willreceive data. howtoenhance resilience ofoverlay network itself. D.G. Furthermore, thehigher thefailed node's level is, themorethe deadnodes occur. Inthis paper, wegive adetailed frameworkAndersen etal.(8)proposed RONs (Resilient Overlay forresilience inoverlay multicast. Unlike previous efforts in Networks). InRON,end-hosts andapplications utilized the providing reliable datadelivery, ourscheme constructs reliableability totakeadvantage ofnetworkpaths toimprove their overlay datadelivery tree(DDT)andadaptively reconstructs it end-to-end reliability andperformance. Anotherapproach based onthenumberofmissed packets while guaranteeing end- wasproposed byY.Amiretal.(9). Theypresented an to-end delay bound. Through practical simulation results, we approach adopting hop-by-hop reliability, whichconsiderably analyzed packet delivery ratio, control overhead, end-to-endreduces thelatency andjitter ofconnections. delay andnumberofreplicated packets. Following researches focuson reliability inoverlay Keywords -Resilience, delay bound, overlay multicast multicast rather thanoverlay networks. S.Banerjee etal.(10) proposed Probabilistic Resilient Multicast (PRM)whichcan I.INTRODUCTION