Structure-Aware Feature Generation for Zero-Shot Learning

Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) targets at recognizing unseen categories by leveraging auxiliary information, such as attribute embedding. Despite the encouraging results achieved, prior ZSL approaches focus on improving the discriminant power of seen-class features, yet have largely overlooked the geometric structure of the samples and the prototypes. The subsequent attribute-based generative adversarial network (GAN), as a result, also neglects the topological information in sample generation and further yields inferior performances in classifying the visual features of unseen classes. In this paper, we introduce a novel structure-aware feature generation scheme, termed as SA-GAN, to explicitly account for the topological structure in learning both the latent space and the generative networks. Specifically, we introduce a constraint loss to preserve the initial geometric structure when learning a discriminative latent space, and carry out our GAN training with additional supervising signals from a structure-aware discriminator and a reconstruction module. The former supervision distinguishes fake and real samples based on their affinity to class prototypes, while the latter aims to reconstruct the original feature space from the generated latent space. This topology-preserving mechanism enables our method to significantly enhance the generalization capability on unseen-classes and consequently improve the classification performance. Experiments on four benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach consistently outperforms the state of the art. Our code can be found in the supplementary material and will also be made publicly available.

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