[논문] 광역자치단체 환경보전종합계획 비교·평가 연구

For the necessity of the environmental preservation for the local area, the central government establishes a national environment plan. Regional environmental plans on a national basis are being set up on an individual period due to the absence of compulsory properties in its execution periods. Consequently, it incurs a shortage of the link with the national comprehensive plan for environmental preservation. This research intended to define REP [Regional Environmental Plan] through theoretical consideration of the Ministry of Environment-established environmental plan and the Regioanl governments' environmental preservation plan, to develop and apply the currently-established assessment method of REP. Evaluation items are divided into three categories and defined to an agreement to REP super ordinate plan, reflection of REP guidance contents, and suitability of the plans by sector. On the basis of deduced evaluation results for the last time, this research suggested policy-based proposals for the law and institutional improvement required in time of setting up REP and the course the REP must head toward at later.