Notes on Phytoplankton from the Norwegian Sea

In June 1954, during a cruise with thc research vcssel "G, O. Sars" organized by thc Rcsearch Division of the Fisherics Directorate, Bergen, a large numbcr of quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected in the Norwegian Sea between 64° N and 78° N. Thc material was worked up according to thc Sedimentation method. Thc quantitative rcsults of this investigation are presented elsewhere (Paasche 1960), Thc prescnt papcr deals with taxonomical and biogeographical observations madc on various spccies i n the course of the plankton counting. The paper further includcs observations on net phvtoplankton collected by the author on board the research vessel "Johan Hjort" i lur ing a sLmüar cruise in June, 1959, in the area of the Icelandic Arctic Current betwecn 02 N and 71° N. The quantitative samples obtained during that cruise have not yct beeil worked up, Both years, formalin was used äs a preservative. The microscopical examination was carricd out directly on Sediments obtained from the samples, or on "Pleurax" mounts prcpared from these according to the instructions given by Cup p (1943). Specimens intcnded for examination in the electron microscope were transferred to "Formvar" hlms mounted on grids, following the directions of Halldal et al. (1954). They were studied in a "Tesla" type Instrument belonging to the Department of Anatomy at thc University of Oslo. The work was carried out at the Institute for Marine Biology, Section B, University of Oslo. The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Mrs G. R, Has le , who offered valuable advice on taxonomical problems, and to Dr Th. B lacks tad , who was in charge of the electron microscope. The positions of those sampling localities which have been especially mentioned in the text are äs follows: