ABSTRACT TYPES OF GROWTH REGULATOR APPLICATION, PLANTING DENSITIES ANDNITROGEN LEVELS FOR THE COTTON CULTIVAR IAC 22. The present work was developed during the growing seasons of 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99 and1999/00 at Ribeirao Preto, Tiete, Guaira, Campinas and Ilha Solteira, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Theexperimental design was the completely casualized blocks, using the factorial arrangement with twelvetreatments (3 x 2 x 2) and four replications. The objective of this work was to study plant density (6; 10and 14 plants/m); nitrogen levels at broadcasting (40 and 60 kg.ha -1 of N/ha) and types of growthregulator application (single application at flowering or splitting in four times, since the thinning). Thesplit application conduced to lower height of plants and greater weight of bolls when compared to thesingle application of the growth regulator. The application of the highest level of N, increased theleaves nitrogen content in and cotton yield, and reduced the lint percentage. increasing plant densityfrom 6 to 10 and 14 plants/m, reduced lint porcentage and bolls weight.
E. F. Junior,et al.
Eliminação do desbaste na cultura do algodoeiro
B. S. Jackson,et al.
Boll Shedding and Boll Load in Nitrogen-Stressed Cotton
N. Sabino,et al.
Efeitos da densidade de plantio e da aplicação de CCC, em algodoeiro
W. Meredith,et al.
Influence of Planting Method and Plant Population on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)1
B. S. Hawkins,et al.
Yield Response of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to Several Spacing Arrangements1
G. C. Hill.
Planting and cultivation