The Influence of Initial-Phases of a PN Code Set on the Performance of an Asynchronous DS-CDMA System
The authors point out the need forfixed PN code sets for test purposes from thestandpoint of numerical analysis and simulation of anasynchronous DS–CDMA system and its sub-system units.An agreement on test sequence sets and their initialphases for fixing the probability distributionfunction of the multiple-access interference (MAI)random variable is necessary in order to make thenumerical performance results of different researchgroups and authors commensurable in large systemdesign projects and in the CDMA literature. Theconclusions are drawn from numerical examples ofinitial-phase optimization with the AO/LSE, LSE/AO,MSE/AO, CO/MSQCC and MSQCC/CO criteria, and byreviewing the literature. Optimization criteria arecompared from the standpoint of minimum MAI.Conclusions are drawn from their order of quality andthe conditions under which the optimization ispracticable. Finally, some binary and quadri-phase PNcode sets for fixing the MAI signal component for testpurposes are reviewed.