Physical and optical properties of the Pinatubo volcanic aerosol: Aircraft observations with impactors and a Sun‐tracking photometer

As determined in situ by impactor samplers flown on an ER-2 at 16.5- to 20.7-km pressure altitude and on a DC-8 at 9.5- to 12.6-km pressure altitudes, the 1991 Pinatubo volcanic eruption increased the particle surface area of stratospheric aerosols up to 50-fold and the particle volume up to 2 orders of magnitude. Particle composition was typical of a sulfuric acid-water mixture at ER-2 altitudes. Ash particles coated with sulfuric acid comprised a significant fraction of aerosol at DC-8 altitudes. Mie-computed light extinction increased up to 20-fold at midvisible and greater than 100-fold at near-IR wavelengths. The optical thickness measured through the aerosol layer by an autotracking Sun photometer aboard a DC-8 aircraft at 10.7- to 11.3-km pressure altitudes shows a spectral shape that is similar to the Mie-calculated spectral extinction at ER-2 altitudes. Surface area distributions calculated by inversion of spectral optical depth measurements show characteristics that are similar to the mean surface area distribution resulting from 35 in situ measurements.