Dual Learning for Cross-domain Image Captioning

Recent AI research has witnessed increasing interests in automatically generating image descriptions in text, which is coined as theimage captioning problem. Significant progresses have been made in domains where plenty of labeled training data (i.e. image-text pairs) are readily available or collected. However, obtaining rich annotated data is a time-consuming and expensive process, creating a substantial barrier for applying image captioning methods to a new domain. In this paper, we propose a cross-domain image captioning approach that uses a novel dual learning mechanism to overcome this barrier. First, we model the alignment between the neural representations of images and that of natural languages in the source domain where one can access sufficient labeled data. Second, we adjust the pre-trained model based on examining limited data (or unpaired data) in the target domain. In particular, we introduce a dual learning mechanism with a policy gradient method that generates highly rewarded captions. The mechanism simultaneously optimizes two coupled objectives: generating image descriptions in text and generating plausible images from text descriptions, with the hope that by explicitly exploiting their coupled relation, one can safeguard the performance of image captioning in the target domain. To verify the effectiveness of our model, we use MSCOCO dataset as the source domain and two other datasets (Oxford-102 and Flickr30k) as the target domains. The experimental results show that our model consistently outperforms previous methods for cross-domain image captioning.

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