Roadmap for Long Term Sustainable Space Exploration and Habitation - Defining the Functional Requirements for Early Phase of Space Habitation

If man is to provide habitation and learn to live in space, many of the space ground operational functions must be provided in space. This capability is required to avoid the very high cost of overcoming the Earth’s gravity well to provide operation in Earth orbit or beyond Earth orbit. True manned habitation of space must become independent of support from the Earth. This technical paper will provide the definition of the many functions required for man to inhabit space, and these functions will be referred to as ground nodes in space. The paper will define the functional quality X parameters required for the operational space exploration and habitation capability. In addition to these ground functions, the paper will define basic reusable space transportation systems required to operate in space from these ground nodes. This technical paper is a follow-on to references 2, 3, & 4 on the subject of the Roadmap for Long Term Sustainable Space Exploration and