Low-level Measurement of the Electric Field Intensity around a Heterogeneous Structure

The paper presents the measurement of the electric fleld intensity in the area of a biological structure. The measured quantity can be evaluated remotely, without touching the plant, and this is a factor of exceptional importance for fleld applications. But the decisive as- pect consists in the possibility of deciphering the information (about a living object) that may be carried by the electric fleld. Therefore, the most vital problem is to flnd out whether the electric fleld could be utilized for contactless diagnostics. The principle of the method will consist in electric charge measurement on the electrodes of a capacitive sensor exhibiting the elimination of interferences and leakage currents. Theoretical analysis will be performed to enable the setting of the measurement method sensitivity with respect to the anticipated diurnal magnitudes of the electric fleld in difierent instantaneous weather conditions. The measurement method using one test tree within a tree stand will be analyzed; the group of other related steps comprises modiflcation proposals for the sensor and the measurement methodology, comparison with the theoretical model, and direct comparison with the data evaluated by other laboratory or experi- mental techniques.