High- Q plasmas in the TFTR tokamak

In the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 26, 11 (1984)], the highest neutron source strength Sn and D–D fusion power gain QDD are realized in the neutral‐beam‐fueled and heated ‘‘supershot’’ regime that occurs after extensive wall conditioning to minimize recycling. For the best supershots, Sn increases approximately as P1.8b. The highest‐Q shots are characterized by high Te (up to 12 keV), Ti (up to 34 keV), and stored energy (up to 4.7 MJ), highly peaked density profiles, broad Te profiles, and lower Zeff. Replacement of critical areas of the graphite limiter tiles with carbon‐fiber composite tiles and improved alignment with the plasma have mitigated the ‘‘carbon bloom.’’ Wall conditioning by lithium pellet injection prior to the beam pulse reduces carbon influx and particle recycling. Empirically, QDD increases with decreasing pre‐injection carbon radiation, and increases strongly with density peakedness [ne(0)/〈ne〉] during the beam pulse. To date, the best fusion resu...