Facility location models for planning a transatlantic communications network

Abstract This paper presents two facility location models for the problem of determining how to optimally serve the requirements for communication circuits between the United States and various European and Middle Eastern countries. Given a projection of future requirements, the problem is to plan for the economic growth of a communications network to satisfy these requirements. Both satellite and submarine cable facilities may be used. The objective is to find an optimal placement of cables (type, location, and timing) and the routing of individual circuits between demand points (over both satellites and cables) such that the total discounted cost over a T -period horizon is minimized. This problem is cast as a multiperiod, capacitated facility location problem. Two mathematical models differing in their provisions for network reliability are presented. Solution approaches are outlined and compared by means of computational experience. Use of the models both in planning the growth of the network and in the economic evaluation of different cable technologies is also discussed.