Application of Pressure/Temperature Sensitive PaintTheory and Practice

For investigations of pressure distributions on wind tunnel model surfaces with high spatial resolution, new experimental techniques such as Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) and Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) are required. Using these non-intrusive optical pressure measurement techniques, spatial structures and/or rapid temporal or spatial changes of aerodynamic phenomena (transition from laminar to turbulent flow, shocks on pitching airfoils in transonic flows, coherent structures etc.) can be investigated. Recently, an increasing number of scientists and engineers has started to utilize the PSP technique to investigate pressure distributions in low speed, transonic, hypersonic and cryogenic wind tunnels, as weil as in turbo machines. The PSP technique has also evolved from the measurement of steady state pressures to include both periodic and unsteady phenomena to study the instantaneous structure of pressure fields in various areas of fluid mechanics. This course, which is the seventh one on PSP organized by DLR Gottingen, Germany, will concentrate on both industrial measurement techniques and aspects of the theory of PSP relevant to applications. In addition to lectures on the fundamental aspects of Pressure Sensitive Paint Systems, emphasis is placed on the presentation of practical and reliable solutions for problems faced du ring the implementation of the technique in wind tunnels and other test facilities. During practical sessions the participants will have the opportunity of carrying out experiments in small groups on paint characterization, coating technique, and the recording and evaluation of PSP data. Recent developments of the PSP technique will be discussed and demonstrated. In addition the application of Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP), which is from the technical point of view very similar to PSP, will be covered by this course.