The Architect's studio companion : rules of thumb for preliminary design / Edward Allen and Joseph Iano
How to Use This Book. DESIGNING WITH BUILDING CODES. Designing with Building Codes. DESIGNING THE STRUCTURE. Selecting the Structural System. Configuring the Structural System. Sizing the Structural System. DESIGNING SPACES FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Selecting Heating and Cooling Systems for Large Buildings. Configuring and Sizing Mechanical and Electrical Services for Large Buildings. Mechanical and Electrical Systems for Small Buildings. DESIGNING WITH DAYLIGHT. Design Criteria for Daylighting Systems. Configuring and Sizing Daylighting Systems. DESIGNING FOR EGRESS. Configuring the Egress System. Sizing the Egress System. Stairway and Ramp Design. DESIGNING WITH HEIGHT AND AREA LIMITATIONS. Height and Area Limitations. Height and Area Tables. Appendix A: Units of Conversion. Appendix B: Bibliography. Index.