Samhällsekonomiska kalkyler för sjöfartsprojekt

The Swedish Transport Administration states that there are no methods and tools for cost benefit analysis (CBA) of sea transports as there are for road and rail. The project analyses existing knowledge and recommends how a CBA-tool for sea transports could be developed. Focus is on freight transports. CBA-guidelines are summarized with a focus on Sweden and Norway. It is shown which impacts of different measures can be interesting to quantify and valuate in monetary terms. Examples are given for CBA related to sea transports that have been carried out. Existing knowledge is compiled when it comes to the effects of measures. A crucial category is the effects that are related to transport demand. One key question is if and how the calculation of the impacts on the number and size of vessels etc. can be supplied in a useful way with help of the national forecast model for freight transports. Valuation problems related to the identified effects are addressed as well. For Sweden and Norway the existing forecast and calculation tools are described. User requirements on a CBA-tool for sea transport projects are defined based on a discussion how such a tool is assumed to be used in different analyses. Principle questions that need to be solved when developing a CBA-tool are described in 16 points. A two-step approach is recommended for Sweden 1. Development of a documented CBA-tool based on the Excel-model that has been used in most of the CBA for sea transport projects in Sweden and the Norwegian calculation tool for minor projects. 2. Development to solve the principle questions that are summarized in 16 points, i.e.: · link between the national forecast model and the calculation model(s), · calculation principles for border crossing transports, · effects of different measures and valuations, i.e. impact of use of larger vessels on transport costs, impact on emissions to air, safety and risk costs, · sea transport related fees and taxes as well as funding of projects by different actors, · inclusion of passenger transports in CBA for sea transport projects