Air monitoring at Camaçari Petrochemical Complex

Abstract Camacari Petrochemical Complex, the largest integrated industrial complex in Latin America, began its operation in 1978, in one of the most populated areas of Greater Salvador, near the cities of Camacari and Dias D'Avila. With more than sixty industries in operation, the Complex is a potential source of pollution requiring rigorous environmental protection efforts. From its initial planning phase, in the mid 1970s, the Camacari Petrochemical Complex ranked environmental issues as one of its highest priorities. It was the first industrial complex in Brazil to be conceived and planned with a marked interest in the environmental impacts resulting from its activities. CETREL, which began operations at the same time as the Petrochemical Complex, is a product of this concern for the environment. Built to treat the effluents and industrial residues generated by the complex, it was called the Center for Treatment of Liquid Effluent. CETREL's functions have been gradually diversifying, and today the Company performs a variety of tasks in the area of environmental protection. Besides treating the liquid effluents, CETREL operates an incinerator for hazardous liquid residues; it processes hazardous solid residues in special industrial landfills; it monitors the complex's environment and all of the complex's area of influence (the air, aquifers, sea and rivers of the region) and it provides environmental engineering consulting services to several Brazilian companies. Moreover, CETREL develops projects like the Pronatura Program, the objective of which is the afforestation of a 500-hectare area using the biological sludge produced at its own Central Treatment Station, and the Fauna Preservation Program that monitors and protects wildlife living on Company grounds.