GOHSS (Galileo OH subtracted spectrograph): a progress report

We describe the current status of the technical aspects of the GOHSS project. It consists of a fiber-fed NIR spectrograph for faint objects. It will be a second-light instrument for the Nasmyth focus of the 3.5m Galileo telescope located on La Palma. GOHSS is an innovative instrument which accomplishes OH night-sky subtraction, differently from the hardware solution used by other devices; it provides a multiechelle design with software OH subtraction capable of yielding about 25 spectra in the z,J and H bands at an effective spectral resolution of about 4000, which is necessary to strongly reduce the impact of atmospheric OH lines. The GOHSS design is completed and the operative phase is already started through the procurement of the most important components. We have also started to develop the data reduction package for the instrument and the first result of the 1D approach as presented.