The quality assessment process implemented on the i2geo platform aims at supporting teachers’ integration of dynamic geometry (DG) in the classroom practices. The platform does not impose constraints on characteristics of contributed resources but rather provides tools enabling users to review and comment on resources, which affords an easier access to relevant resources as well as their continuous improvement. In this contribution we explain the elaboration of a quality review tool that relies on a questionnaire addressing all possible aspects of a DG resource. The design of the questionnaire draws on general criteria for pedagogical resource evaluation and theoretical considerations on the use of ICT, and more specifically DG in classrooms: intertwining of student’s conceptual and technical work framed by the instrumental approach, math education theoretical frameworks, mainly the theory of didactical situations and specific knowledge about potentialities of DG for mathematical teaching and learning. For example, DG added-value dimension of a resource relies on research results regarding possible ways of taking advantage of DG in teaching activities, like soft and robust constructions or different functions of the drag mode. The aim of questions related to this dimension is twofold: describing more precisely how a resource takes advantage of DG and making authors and users reflect on possible ways of using it. The questionnaire helps users better know the reviewed resource (its strengths and limitations), which favours its appropriation for classroom implementation. Thus, quality reviews are a way to support integration of DG into teachers’ practices.
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