Design, performance and cost analysis of various band pass IIR filters for Myriametre band applications

Filter designing has been an important field in communication. The filter to be designed is needed to have some basic characteristics like narrow transition width, high output SNR, less hardware complexity and low cost. In this paper IIR filters have been designed and simulated for Myriametre band. Their performance analysis and cost comparisons have been done. Butterworth filter is found to be least hardware complex with Elliptic filter having smallest transition width. Butterworth filter requires 25% less adders and multipliers with better pass band SNR and group delay responses than Elliptic and Chebyshev II filters. However transition width of Elliptic filter are 47.37%, 88.63% and 96.8% smaller than Butterworth filter for N=8, 16 and 24 respectively.