We report on an experimental investigation of the incubation effect during irradiation of stainless steel with bursts of ultrashort laser pulses. A series of birefringent crystals was used to split the pristine 650-fs pulses into bursts of up to 32 sub-pulses with time separations of 1.5 ps and 3 ps, respectively. The number of selected bursts was varied between 50 and 1600. The threshold fluence was measured in case of Burst Mode (BM) processing depending on the burst features, i.e. the number of sub-pulses and their separation time, and on the number of bursts. We found as many values of threshold fluence as the combinations of the number of bursts and of sub-pulses constituting the bursts set to give the same total number of impinging sub-pulses. However, existing incubation models developed for Normal Pulse Mode (NPM) return, for a given number of impinging pulses, a constant value of threshold fluence. Therefore, a dependence of the incubation coefficient with the burst features was hypothesized and experimentally investigated. Numerical solutions of the Two Temperature Model (TTM) in case of irradiation with single bursts of up to 4 sub-pulses have been performed to interpret the experimental results.