The book review column
Slight change in information given: in the pa~t I have provided price and ISBN n~lmbers of books. The notion of price is ill-defined: the website gives a range of prices from place to puch~se books on the web. (amazon.corn is usually not the cheapest, and its usually not even close.). Providing ISBN numbers is also not needed in this electronic age where such information is available at the touch of a button. If the price is notable-either rather high or rather low, this might be mentioned in the review. Welcome to the Book Reviews Cohere,1. We hope to bring you at least two reviews of books every month. In thi~ column four books are reviewed.. Data Structures-d Algorithms in Java (2nd ed) by Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia. Review by Hassan Mas-m. This is a textbook for a sophmore course on data structures and algorithms using Java as its base language. This is not just a standard data structures book translated into Java-this should be viewed as a book on object-oriented data structures. 2. Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms by Donald E. Knuth. Review by Timothy H. McNichol]. This is a collection of papers by Donald Knuth on the Analysis of Algorithms. The papers take the reader through a large variety of mathematical techniques in a motivated way. 3. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Zbigniew Michalewicz and David B Fogel. Review by Haas-Majsurn. This book presents an overview of several problem solving techniques including seaxch-methods, evolutionary computation~ and fuzzy systems. I am looking for reviewers for the following books If you want a FREE copy of one of these books in exchange for a review, then entail me at If you want more information about any of these books, again, feel free to email me. Reviewing a book is a great way to learn a field. I have personally reviewed books and then went on to use what I learned in my research.