Implementation of an ISIS Compatible Stereo ProcessingChain for 3D Stereo Reconstruction
The department for Planetary Geodesy at TU Berlin
is developing routines for photogrammetric
processing of planetary image data to derive 3D
representations of planetary surfaces. The ISIS
software, developed by USGS, Flagstaff, is readily
available, open source, and very well documented.
Hence, ISIS [1] was chosen as a prime processing
platform and tool kit. However, ISIS does not
provide a full photogrammetric stereo processing
chain. Several components like image matching,
bundle block adjustment (until recently) or digital
terrain model (DTM) interpolation from 3D object
points are missing. Our group aims to complete this
photogrammetric stereo processing chain by
implementing the missing components, taking
advantage of already existing ISIS classes and
functionality. With this abstract we would like to
report on the development of a new image matching
software that is optimized for both orbital and closeranged
planetary images and compatible with ISIS
formats and routines and an interpolation tool that is
developed to create DTMs from large 3-D point