A detailed computer analysis was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of three alternative practices for controlling moisture accumulation in the walls of manufactured housing during the winter. The three practices included (1) providing an interior vapor retarder, (2) using permeable sheathing and siding, and (3) providing an outdoor ventilated cavity. The current HUD Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards do not require a vapor retarder for practices 2 and 3. The analysis was carried out for a cold winter climate (Madison, WI), an intermediate winter climate (Boston, MA), a mild winter climate (Atlanta, GA), and a Pacfic Northwest climate (Portland, OR). The practice of providing a vapor retarder was found to be effective in all four climates. The moisture content of the siding was always considerably below fiber saturation. On the other hand, the practice of using permeable sheathing and siding and the practice of providing an outdoor ventilated cavity were not always effective in colder climates. Moisture accumulated above fiber saturation, and free liquid water existed within the pore structure, providing a potential for material degradation. A detailed computer analysis war also conducted of moisture accumulation in manufactured housing walls in a hot and humid climate (Lake Charles, LA). During the summer, moisture from the outdoor environment is transferred into manufactured housing by diffusion and, more imponant, infiltration. As a result, moisture accumulates at interior layers of the construction cooled by air conditioning. When an interior vapor retarder is used in the instruction, the relative humidity at the outside surface of the vapor retarder can approach saturation, thereby providing an envinronment conducive to mold and mildew growth