Space Systems Environmental Interaction Studies.

Abstract : The preparation of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) hardware and software, as well as, attending to launch support concerns prior to and after APEX launch, constitutes the extent of the effort expended on Task 1 (the Photovoltaic Array Space Power Plus Diagnostics PASP Plus experiment). Previously written test software was refined and new code generated, in order to accommodate real-time instrument performance monitoring during ground contact periods, and to facilitate the display of historical instrument performance data after a downlink opportunity. Under Task 2, the Charging Hazards and Wake Studies CHAWS program, Amptek, Inc. acted largely in a consultative and support role to PL/GPSG during this report period. Under Task 3 (the Space Wave Interactions with Plasmas Experiment SWIPE) gse hardware was completed, and software was written and tested, for the electronics module of the EPI instrument on the OEDIPUS-C program. Two flight boxes are now in-house, fully assembled. Flight software for the constituent elements within the instrument was completed, and instrument functionality was fully exercised and checked. No additional change is envisaged to either hardware or software at this time.