Microprocessors/microcomputers: Architecture, software, and systems
Microcomputer Architecture Number Systems and Binary Data Coding in Microcomputers The Microprocessor Architecture Microprocessor Instructions Addressing Modes in Microcomputers Instruction Execution and Microsequences Microcomputer Memories Parallel I/O Transfer - Programmed I/O Parallel I/O Transfers - Interrupt I/O Parallel I/O Transfers - Direct Memory Access Serial I/O Programmable I/O Interfaces Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Converters Interval Timers and Counters Microcomputer Timing Diagrams Microprocessor-Memory Interfaces Microprocessor - I/O Interfaces Introduction to Microcomputer Software Problem Definition and Flowcharting Organizing the Data Organizing the Data Transformation Process Introduction to Assemblers and Interpreters Operating Systems and Systems Software Appendixes Glossary Index.