Metaphor has been first and foremost studied in its verbal variants. As Lakoff and Johnson (1980) claimed, however, "metaphor is primarily a matter of thought and only derivatively a matter of language" (p. 153). Presuming this idea to be correct, this article makes an exploratory contribution to the study of a different type of metaphor, namely, pictorial metaphor. With reference to Black's (1962, 1979) interaction theory, several pictorial metaphors in advertisements are considered with the following questions in mind: What are the two terms of the metaphor and how do we know? Which of the two terms is the ("literal") A-term and which is the ("figurative") B-term? And what can be said about the transfer of properties from B to A? Contextual factors of various kinds help to answer these questions. A tentative subdivision is made into metaphors with one pictorially present term and metaphors with two pictorially present terms.
Andrew Ortony,et al.
The role of similarity in similes and metaphors
George A. Miller,et al.
Metaphor and Thought: Images and models, similes and metaphors
J. Kennedy.
Metaphor--Its Intellectual Basis
Larry Percy,et al.
Advertising and Promotion Management
John M Kennedy,et al.
Metaphor in Pictures
G. Lakoff,et al.
Metaphors We Live by
H. Fowler,et al.
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
David Novitz.
Metaphor, Derrida, and Davidson