Techniques of Local Anaesthesia

lem of the Venereal Diseases" in which some of the social, behavioural, economic, biological, and other factors thought to contribute to the world-wide increase in venereal infections, are briefly considered. Fluorescent antibody methods for identification of N. gonorrhoeae and the F.T.A. (ABS) test in the serological diagnosis of treponemal infection are now included; the possible value of prednisone in neural deafness and of corticosteroids in the management of the rectal complications of lymphogranuloma venereum is noted, together with the place of the most recent antibiotics in the treatment of gonorrhoea. The need for more study of the absorption and excretion of penicillin after injection of long-acting preparations is suggested in view of the wide variations of blood level from one individual to another which have been recorded in preliminary reports. The finding in recent years of spiral-shaped organisms, probably T. pallidum in the lymph nodes, cerebrospinal fluid, and aqueous humour of persons with late syphilis who had previously received considerable treatment with penicillin has made the "cure" of late syphilis even more difficult to assess. This new aspect of an old problem is noted, but firm evaluation of these recent findings must await a later edition. The book has 16 illustrations in colour and 180 in monochrome, and they are now arranged more conveniently in relation to the text than in the first edition. Unfortunately the price has also been revised, but the book still represents good value. It is strongly recommended as a sound, clearly presented, and up-to-date exposition of the venereal diseases for all English-reading undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.