O discurso de \'divulgação religiosa\' materializado por meio de diferentes gêneros: dois ethé, duas construções do Céu e da Terra
Our sanction doing, responsible for the delimitation of totalities, established, in the religious discursive field, discursive formation subgroups which correspond to the religious divulgation discursive space of two totalities supposedly confronting: Catholicism and Jeovahs witnesses. Though, we have got a teaching and religious instruction doctrinaire corpus created not only to the adult public, but also to the young one. To achieve our objectives, the theoretical basis used consists on Greimass Semiotics concepts, French Discourse Analysis, incorporated in Semiotics by Maingueneau (1996, 1997, 2005a, 2005b), philosophy of language, Bakhtins dialogism principles and heterogeneity notions established by Authier-Revuz (1982, 1990). The observation of the recurrences of the meaning construction mechanisms of the texts will permit us to reflect on the notion of religious divulgation discourse which permeates the discursive space of the totalities in confrontation and pertinent to the shared enunciative scene where it is proposed a particular believing doing to the Revealed Word. Having as principles that the apprehension of the meaning of the texts is neither exterior nor aprioristic to the sign, but resulting from the union of the two plans included in language, the expression plan and the content plan, and taking into consideration value judgments and attitudes expressed by society and concretized in the discourses, we will exam semiotically how the faith, presented by the discourse of two religious institutions, propitiates