ORTEP-3 for Windows - a version of ORTEP-III with a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Computer Program Abstracts The category Computer Program Abstracts provides a rapid means of communicating up-to-date information concerning both new programs or systems and significant updates to existing ones. Following normal submission, a Computer Program Abstract will be reviewed by one or two members of the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing. It should not exceed 500 words in length and should follow the standard format given on page 189 of the June 1985 issue of the Journal [J. Appl. CrysL (1985). 18, 189190] and on the World Wide Web at http://www.iucr. ac. uk/journals/jac/software/. Lists of software presented and~or reviewed in the Journal of Applied Crystallography are available on the World Wide Web at the above address, together with information about the availability of the software where this is known. J. App/. CrysL (1997). 30, 565 ORTEP-3 for Windows a version of ORTEP-III with a Graphical User Interface (GUI)