Computational Electromagnedes for RIF and Microwave Engineering [Book Review]

I must say that I like the idea behind, and the presentation philosophy of, this book, to introduce concepts of, and numerical issues related to, the well-known three methods: the Finite-Differ­ ence Time-Domain (FDTD), the Method of Moments (MoM), and the Finite-Element Method (FEM). The author has attempted to prepare the reader to use the commercial packages he chose by starting to discuss methods from the very beginning with simple, one-dimensional problems. This approach is effective if an elec­ tromagnetic problem is taken into account, step by step, from approximate representations of the simplified forms of real-world physical problems in an analog environment (e.g., by using Max­ well's equations andlor circuit theory) to numerical models in a discrete environment. Also, it is wise to discuss/include short sim­ ple scripts and examples in MATLAB, since this language has become a state-of-art computer language/tool in engineering.