Anwendung einer neuen Erweiterung für k-ω-Turbulenzmodelle zur Berücksichtigung von Wandrauhigkeit auf Strömungen mit Ablösung
The roughness extension of Knopp, Eisfeld and Calvo (2009) for
k-ω type turbulence models has been applied to the flow through
rough pipes, over a flat plate and around the NACA 65 2 -215 airfoil
with a rough surface.
The results are compared to predictions using the boundary condition
originally devised by Wilcox (1988) for rough surfaces, and
to predictions with the Spalart-Allmaras model with the Boeing roughness
extension by Aupoix and Spalart (2003).
Good agreement with experiments has been achieved with respect to the
influence of the roughness on the velocity profile, the skin friction
coefficient and the loss in lift.