Generation Of Probability Measures With The Given Specification Of The Smallest Bans

A ban means a sequence which has zero probability in a finite space. Generation of probability models is carried out, as a rule, from simpler models by introduction of additional restrictions. However fulfilment of required properties for stochastic processes requires the proof in case of introduction of additional restrictions. In particular, the proof is required that restrictions on admissibility of trajectories don’t destroy the property of being a random process that is to satisfy to the Kolmogorov’s theorem. The paper deals with conditions under which introduction of restrictions on trajectories of random sequences according to the given specification of the smallest bans again generates random process. When the probability measure Q is generated by restrictions defined by bans we consider testing of sequence of hypotheses H0, n : Qn against H1, n : Pn, where Q possesses the specification of the smallest bans, P is a uniform measure and Qn, Pn are projections of measures Q and P . The existence of consistency of sequence test defined by bans is investigated.