Agricultural investment and productivity : building sustainability in East Africa
Contents Contributors Preface Acknowledgements 1. Agricultural Production in East Africa: Stagnation, Investment and Poverty Part I: Determinants of Sustainable Land Management Investments 2. Stimulating Smallholder Investments in Sustainable Land Management: Overcoming Market, Policy and Institutional Challenges 3. The Role of Social Capital in Sustainable Development: An Analysis of Soil Conservation in Rural Kenya 4. Tenure Security and Incentives for Sustainable Land Management: A Case Study from Kenya Jane Kabubo-Mariara and Vincent Linderhof Part II: The Effect of Risk on Investments 5. Risk Preferences and Technology Adoption: Case Studies from Ethiopian Highlands 6. Fertilizer Use by Smallholder Households in Northern Ethiopia: Does Risk Aversion Matter? 7. Crop Biodiversity and the Management of Production Risk on Degraded Lands: Some Evidence from the Highlands of Ethiopia Part III: Returns to Sustainable Land Management Investments 8. Where does investment on Sustainable Land Management Technology Work? Empirical Evidence from the Ethiopian Highlands 9. Soil Conservation and Small Scale Food Production in Highland Ethiopia: A Stochastic Metafrontier Approach Part IV: Public Policies and Sustainable Land Management Investments 10. Policy Instruments to Reduce Downstream Externalities of Soil Erosion and Surface Run-Off 11. Incentives for Sustainable Land Management in East African Countries 12. Conclusions and Key Lessons