We describe experiments on the dynamic fracture of the brittle plastic, PMMA. The results suggest a view of the fracture process that is based on the existence and subsequent evolution of an instability, which causes a single crack to become unstable to frustrated microscopic branching events. We demonstrate that a number of long-standing questions in the dynamic fracture of amorphous, brittle materials may be understood in this picture. Among these are the transition to crack branching, ``roughness'' and the origin of nontrivial fracture surface, oscillations in the velocity of a moving crack, the origin of the large increase in the energy dissipation of a crack with its velocity, and the large discrepancy between the theoretically predicted asymptotic velocity of a crack and its observed maximal value. Also presented are data describing both microbranch distribution and evidence of a new three-dimensional to two-dimensional transition as the ``correlation width'' of a microbranch diverges at high propagation velocities. \textcopyright{} 1996 The American Physical Society.