Variable Construction and Causal Modeling of Online Education Messaging Data: Initial Results

This poster describes a challenging application field for EDM, in the context of collaborative learning open learner model frameworks. An open and challenging field arises from the situation lived by children suffering a serious illness. The responsibility of the government continuing their schooling process is harder to achieve, since different communities (family, school teachers, hospital teachers, medical doctors, psychologists...) have to be coordinated. An appropriate educational solution, designed for this situation should solve the specific issues that arise in the described situation: Motivation, Isolation, Heterogeneity, Spatial Dispersion, Dynamicity, etc. This poster tries to explain the reasons that makes this context specially interesting for EDM; It proposes a framework to support learning in the cited environment based on the use of Multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs); And it points out some Data Mining fields specially appropriate for the problem of analysis of educational data and interactions among students for the construction of an Open Learner Model (OLM), suitable to for decision support.