Life‐span dendritic and spine changes in areas 10 and 18 of human cortex: A quantitative golgi study

Dendritic neuropil is a sensitive indicator of the aging process and may exhibit regional cortical variations. The present study examined regional differences and age‐related changes in the basilar dendrites/spines of supragranular pyramidal cells in human prefrontal (area 10) and secondary occipital (area 18) cortices. Tissue was obtained from the left hemisphere of 26 neurologically normal individuals ranging in age from 14 to 106 years (Mage = 57 ± 22 years; 13 males, 13 females). In tissue prepared by a modified rapid Golgi technique, ten neurons were sampled from each cortical region (N = 520) and were evaluated according to the following parameters: total dendritic length, mean segment length, dendritic segment count, dendritic spine number, and dendritic spine density. The effects of age and Brodmann areas were analyzed with a nested multiple analysis of variance design.

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