Projected Newton Methods and Optimization of Multicommodity Flows

1963, respectively. His experience has included teaching courses in electrical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, from 1960 to 1963. and has also included various consulting positions. From July 1963 to January 1974 he was with the Mc-Donne11 Douglas Astronautics Co., on a full-time basis. Currently he is Professor and Associate Chairman of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He teaches courses in estimation theory and seismic data processing for oil exploration. and is Director of the USC Geo-Signal Processing Program. He has published over 130 technical papers and is author of the monograph Optinzal Seismic Abszruct-A superlinearly convecent Newton like method for linearly constrained optimization problems is adapted for solution of multicommod-ity nehvork flow probIems of the type arising in communication and transportation networks. We shonr that the method can be implemented approximately by making use of conjugate gradient iterations without the need to compute explicitly the Hessian matrix. Preliminary computational results suggest that this type of method is capable of yielding highly accurate solutions of nonlinear multicommodity flow problems far more efficiently than any of the methods available at present.

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