A Flexible Software Framework for Real-World Experiments and Temperature-Controlled Testbeds

Both reliability and robustness are required for applicationsin the field of wireless sensor networks and the internet ofthings. Testbeds are a usefool tool to verify both hardwareand software concepts under realistic conditions. However,existing testbeds often are fitted to specific use cases. Thispaper presents a software framework to build testbeds forvarious applications and scenarios. The module architectureof our framework approach is presented in detail. Communi-cation is based on MQTT which fulfills both the need to beflexible, but also to scale well for larger testbeds. Key require-ments are derived from our existing use cases, an outdoorscenario and an indoor, temperature-controlled testbed. Wepresent our temperature-controlled chambers in detail andcompare their performance to existing testbeds.