Snow samples have been taken in the Dome C area in order to study the variations of the accumulation rate and of the stable isotope content over the last century. Stake observations indicate a large spatial variability of the accumulation rate at a 1-year scale (σs = 2.6 g cm−2 yr−1 for a mean value ā = 3.6 g cm−2 yr−1). The depth of the 1965 and 1955 layers determined from beta radioactivity measurements in 19 sites lets us deduce that the spatial variability becomes small at a 10-year scale (σs = 0.3 g cm−2 yr−1), showing that the snow collected at one point is well representative of the fallen precipitation over this period. The rate of snow accumulation since 1965 is about 30% higher than during the 1955–1965 period. This conclusion is supported by measurements over a large geographical sector of East Antarctica. Shorter-term changes of the snow accumulation have been studied by various means and in particular from detailed deuterium content profiles; by comparing with the beta and tritium radioactivity determinations it is shown that the deuterium variations do not allow us to obtain a seasonal record. In such a low-accumulation area, different mechanisms (such as smoothing of the isotopic signal, roughness of the surface, irregularity of the accumulation) which may disturb the short-term record are discussed. The interpretation of stratigraphie observations is not straightforward. However, it was possible to obtain a calibration down to the 1955 layer, which allows us to offer a dating of the snow layers over the last century. The mean accumulation so obtained (3.7 g cm−2 yr−1) is in good agreement with the value (3.6±0.5) deduced from lead 210 measurements. Geographical changes of the mean deuterium content are relatively small, showing that at a 10-year scale the isotopic signal is well representative of the mean deuterium content of the precipitation. This ensures that the smoothed (10-year running mean values) deuterium profile obtained over the last 160 years provides a good indication of the temperature secular trend in the Dome C area.
J. Jouzel,et al.
A continuous record of artificial tritium fallout at the South Pole (1954–1978)
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Are the past variations of the stratospheric sulfate burden recorded in central Antarctic snow and ice layers
W. Dansgaard.
Stable isotopes in precipitation
Anthony J. Gow,et al.
On the Accumulation and Seasonal Stratification Of Snow at the South Pole
Journal of Glaciology.
Niels Reeh,et al.
Dating of Greenland Ice Cores by Flow Models, Isotopes, Volcanic Debris, and Continental Dust
Journal of Glaciology.
J. Jouzel,et al.
A 30,000-yr isotope climatic record from Antarctic ice
I. Whillans.
Surface Mass-Balance Variability Near “Byrd” Station, Antarctica, and its Importance to Ice Core Stratigraphy
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Fission products in Antarctic snow, a reference level for measuring accumulation
G. Crozaz.
Fission products in antartic snow, an additional reference level in January 1965
J. Jouzel,et al.
Climatic information over the last century deduced from a detailed isotopic record in the south pole snow
C. Taylor.
A comparison of tritium and strontium‐90 fallout in the Southern Hemisphere
G. Lambert,et al.
Lead 210 or climatic changes at South Pole
F. Pinglot,et al.