Effect of different agronomical measures on yield and quality of autumn saved herbage during winter grazing - 2 nd communication: Crude protein, energy and ergosterol concentration

In addition to the results published in the first communication (Opitz von Boberfeld et al., 2006) this paper presents crude protein, energy (ME) and ergosterol concentrations of autumn saved herbage at different sites in Central Germany, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Within these sites, the influence of the factors pre-utilisa - tion and winter harvest date was tested over three consecutive years. Related to the different climatic conditions of the sites, crude protein concentrations of the growths pre-utilised in July varied from 149 g/kg in November to 134 g/kg of dry matter (DM) in January. The influence of climatic conditions was different on each location and varied depend - ing on the year. Generally, the consistent effect of the factor "site" related to altitude could not be observed. While the energy concentrations decreased with advancing winter and partly reached the values below 6 MJ ME/kg of DM in January, the ergosterol concentrations increased. The results demonstrate that under Central European condi - tions autumn saved herbage, pre-utilised in July, could provide adequate quantity and quality for suckler cows until December. Afterwards, the utilisation of preserved forages becomes essential.