Towards Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification in News Articles

Extensive research on target-dependent sentiment classification (TSC) has led to strong classification performances in domains where authors tend to explicitly express sentiment about specific entities or topics, such as in reviews or on social media. We investigate TSC in news articles, a much less researched domain, despite the importance of news as an essential information source in individual and societal decision making. This article introduces NewsTSC, a manually annotated dataset to explore TSC on news articles. Investigating characteristics of sentiment in news and contrasting them to popular TSC domains, we find that sentiment in the news is expressed less explicitly, is more dependent on context and readership, and requires a greater degree of interpretation. In an extensive evaluation, we find that the current state-of-the-art in TSC performs worse on news articles than on other domains (average recall AvgRec = 69.8 on NewsTSC compared to AvgRev = [75.6, 82.2] on established TSC datasets). Reasons include incorrectly resolved relation of target and sentiment-bearing phrases and off-context dependence. As a major improvement over previous news TSC, we find that BERT’s natural language understanding capabilities capture the less explicit sentiment used in news articles.

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