Multipurpose underwater imaging and ranging camera for low-visibility mine countermeasure (MCM) missions

The SEAL camera (SEACAM) is a small underwater imaging and ranging device that will provide a number of useful functions for the divers, such as intelligence gathering, limited nigh vision, and providing ranging information for countermining. SEACAM is designed for low-visibility missions, where 'low-visibility' refers to low diver observability, and is not a reference regarding water clarity. The camera, by virtue of the laser wavelength, is specifically made for the low-visibility mission where emission of visible light is undesirable, and is capable of working in conditions of low ambient lighting. SEACAM is a combination of a digital camera and an underwater laser range finder that allows the process range to the target to be measured simultaneously with the image. Given this measured range and the known field of view of the camera, the 'plate scale' of the image can be precisely determined, allowing for accurate estimates of the target dimensions. Upon return from the mission, the image and range data can be downloaded into a computer for rapid distribution. The camera will be magnetically and acoustically qualified for the Mine Countermeasures environment.