We present the numerical solution of an atmospheric re-entry problem for the Space Shuttle. We discretize the control and state with identical grid and use a large-scale successive quadratic programming technique. With the help of sliding horizon and successive ree nement of the discretization, we can solve on a workstation a problem with 1600 grid intervals, an unusually large e gure for this kind of real-world optimal control problem. HE technique called direct optimal control (DOC) consistsof discretizing an optimal control problem and then solving the resulting nonlinearprogramming problem. Itisoftenopposed to the techniques based on Pontryagin’ s principle, in which the control is expressed as a function of the state and costate, reducing the optimality system (in the simplest case ) to a two-point boundary-value problem, which can be solved by a multiple shooting algorithm. 1 The advantages of each method have been discussed thoroughly by many authors, among them Pesch 2 and Betts. 3 It is recognized that multiple shooting is most effective when the starting point (for the state and costate )is good. In terms of complexity,this algorithm is optimal in the sense that the computational effort is (in the case of an integration scheme of order 1 ) proportional to the number of points used when integrating the differential system. In addition, the integration can be done using a device for controlling the precision. The drawbacks are that the method may have dife culties in converging if the starting point is poor, which may occur often as it is not easy to give good initial values for the costate. In addition, any structural change in the constraints implies a modie cation of the system of equations to be solved. The advantage ofa prioridiscretizing an optimal control problem is that it is a general method, not so sensitive to an initial guess for the costate, which allows one to use the software already available for solving nonlinear programming problems. In the past, this kind oftechnique has oftenbeen combinedwith a low-dimension parameterization of the control. 4 In that case, the nonlinear programming problem has a small number of variables and a large number of constraints: the distributed control and state constraints. Effective algorithms exist for dealing with this kind of structure, the so-called active set methods. 5 However, parameterizing the control destroys the local structure of the optimal control problems. It is dife cult to evaluate how far the solution of the parameterized problem is from the solution of the original problem. Anotherpossibility istodiscretizethe controlusingthe samegrid intervals as for the state. The aim of this paper is to explore such a possibility. The disadvantage we have to face is the dife culty of solving the resulting large-scale nonlinear programming problem. In particular, it seems dife cult to obtain the same computational complexity as for multiple shooting. Rather, we may hope to obtain a less precise estimate of the optimal control, but it will be easier to obtain due to the generality of the method. Some results along this line were obtained by Betts and Huffman. 6;7 In this paper we study the application of a large-scale DOC algorithmtothe problemofatmosphericre-entryoftheSpaceShuttle.In
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Math. Program..