[Definition and realization of a microprocessor system for monitoring during artificial ventilation (author's transl)].

A medical application of a microprocessor system is presented. The definition of a system able to control the quality of the respiratory exchanges for a patient submitted to artificial ventilation is given. The measurement system is composed by two rapid analysers of CO2 and O2 (Beckman LB2 and OM 11), a flow meter devices and an airway pressure sensor (Monaghan M 700). The monitoring of the ventilation is based on the determination of FAECO2 simultaneous the determination of FECO2, FIO2, FEO2 and FAEO2 allow, with the sequential entries of the blood gaz values, to calculate: VA/V, D (a--A) CO2, D (A--a) O2, VO2, VCO2 and respiratory quotient. Now, we are working out a system composed by: a microprocessor (Intel 8080) which allows acquisition and treatment of the signals; a peripherical with a key board for the dialogue between the operator and the system; a visual display unit and a printer. Measurements are made on the patient every 13 mn during five respiratory cycles. All the stated above parameters are then computed. When there is a variation of FAECO2, an alarm is triggered, of predeterminated threshold is exceeded. This system simple, not too expensive, not invasive, has been conceived to work on one to four patients.