Apreensão de espécimes da fauna silvestre em Goiás – situação e destinação

The study aimed at evaluating the wild species found with illegal traders and thus apprehended in the state of Goias, Brazil, between 1997 and 2005, in order to identify those considered endangered species, quantify the most common groups apprehended and know the destination given to the animals. We analyzed the records obtained in the Apprehension and Deposit Terms (TADs), emitted by the Superintendence of the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA, Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)/Environmental Military Police Battalion of the state of Goias and the data are presented in tables and graphs. We detected the apprehension of 13,691 animals and 417.65 kg of products and/or sub-products of the wild fauna. Among the total number of apprehended animals, 94% were birds, 4% mammals, and 2% reptiles and eight species are listed in the 2003 National List of Endangered Species of the Brazilian Fauna. The main places of apprehension were Abadiânia, Alexânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Apore, Alvorada do Norte, Itumbiara, Sanclerlândia, Uruacu, and Goiânia. Most animals were released in suitable areas in the municipalities of apprehension and the others were sent to zoos, research centers, and regional legal breeding farms. The results provide data to get better knowledge of crimes against wildlife in Goias and constitute important theme of discussion for the agencies that are involved in planning surveillance, patrolling, and educational actions to combat wild species trafficking.